- Legendary French brand. "Narcisse".
Narcisse was a French bicycle brand running very shortly in 1940'. It is a very famous story Narcisse was the store Rene HERSE had visited many times and learned about bicycles before openning his own store. We had not seen the actual bicycle of NARCISSE for a long time, but we were given the opportunity to restore the one that had been carefully kept in the possession of an owner in Japan. It was not a complete, and some parts were missing, so it was a very difficult job, but it was a very valuable car that we were able to assemble while solving the mystery with all of our experience.

- フレンチヴィンテージの自転車を趣味としたならば誰もが憧れるルネエルス、そのエルスが店を開く前に出入りしていたといわれる店のブランドがNarcisse-ナルシスです。長らく実車にめぐり合うことはありませんでしたが、とあるオーナー様の手元で大切に保管されていたものをグランボアでレストアする機会をいただきました。完成車の状態ではなく、欠品しているパーツもあり、大変な作業ではありましたが、これまでの経験を総動員して謎解きしながら組上げることとなったとても貴重な一台です。